For 3-4 servings, you'll need:
+ orecchiette pasta, 1/2 pound
+ 1 small white onion, thinly sliced
+ garlic, 2-3 cloves, minced
+ fresh spinach (baby preferred), 1 pound
+ olive oil
+ S&P
+ ground nutmeg, 1 pinch
+ heavy cream, 1/4 - 1/3 cup
+ 1 chicken breast, roasted and sliced (optional)
Saute onion and garlic in olive oil until lightly browned. Add spinach, and stir until mixture wilts and cooks down. Season to taste; cool.
Blend spinach mixture in food processor until mostly smooth. Add cream, and continue to blend until thick and creamy.
Cook pasta according to package directions; drain and return to pot. Toss with sauce (and chicken, if using); enjoy!
(Does this recipe remind anyone else of the Arthur episode where D.W. desperately wants earrings, but thinks they may turn her ears green?)