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Washington, DC, United States
"A rose is a rose is an onion." -Ernest Hemingway


New Potato and Green Bean Salad

This salad is a true classic, and it's easy to adapt to suit the rest of the meal. Enjoy!

For 6 servings, you'll need:

+ baby potatoes, 1 pound
+ green beans (fresh), 3/4 - 1 pound, ends removed
+ salt

Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Slice the largest potatoes in half, and leave the smaller ones intact. Liberally salt the water, and boil the potatoes for about 20-25 minutes, or until al dente. Add the green beans to the same pot, and blanch for 5 minutes. Drain everything. While the vegetables are still hot, add a vinaigrette or light dressing. Enjoy!

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